Scripture Writing Plan for March 2018

March Scripture Writing Plan

For this month’s scripture writing plan, I decided to focus on renewal.  So many of us seem to have the winter blah’s and need a bit of an oomph, I think 🙂  Easter (Resurrection Day) is April 1st and as it’s a time of renewal it was just appropriate for us to renew our minds with the Word of God.  It really does transform us!


Click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing –>

March 2018 Scripture Writing Test

Mindful Monday Devotional -Selfless Love

Mindful Monday Devotional - Selfless Love


This week here in the US, we’ve had another mass school shooting 🙁   This time in Parkland, Florida. The tragedy as awful and terrible as it was, is also dividing Christian against Christian in this blogger’s viewpoint. I have over 700 friends on Facebook and well over half are Christians.  Half of those are posting things promoting the need (insistance actually) for gun control.  The other half are staunchly opposed to gun control insisting that if you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns and thus there will be no way to protect themselves and their families as well as concerns for too much government control.

In addition, for me, there is a huge concern that our response to this is a tool for dividing the body of Christ.  It’s good to have strong beliefs and to know why you believe what you believe, but in the midst of that, it’s imperative that we as believers disagree agreeably.  To have discussions is a good thing, but when you start feeling irate towards other believers for not viewing an issue the same way you do and expressing that anger at them is a HUGE problem for any believer.  The rest of the world is watching us and when they see us tearing into each other, they ask themselves why they should give our faith any consideration. It’s a very bad testimony and shines a very bad light on our Savior, Jesus Christ.  This must grieve Him terribly 🙁  The death

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End of the Age Prophecy Updates for 2/18/18

End of the Age Updates for 2-18-18

This week here in the US, we’ve had another mass school shooting 🙁 This time in Parkland, Florida. The tragedy as awful and terrible as it was, is also dividing Christian against Christian in this blogger’s viewpoint. I have over 700 friends on Facebook and well over half are Christians.  Half of those are posting things promoting the need (insistance actually) for gun control.  The other half are staunchly opposed to gun control insisting that if you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns and thus there will be no way to protect themselves and their families as well as concerns for too much government control.

In addition, for me, there is a huge concern that our response to this is a tool for dividing the body of Christ.  It’s good to have strong beliefs and to know why you believe what you believe, but in the midst of that, it’s imperative that we as believers disagree agreeably.  To have discussions is a good thing, but when you start feeling irate towards other believers for not viewing an issue the same way you do and expressing that anger at them is a HUGE problem for any believer.  The rest of the world is watching us and when they see us tearing into each other, they ask themselves why they should give our faith any consideration. It’s a very bad testimony and shines a very bad light on our Savior, Jesus Christ.  This must grieve Him terribly 🙁  The death and carnage is terribly terribly sad and outrageous. That’s a given.   I just want to encourage you, my readers (and myself) to be very careful how we react to it and to remember to be loving in the midst of our outrage and remember to reflect that love to the world and each other.  Don’t let the enemy use you as a tool in his arsenal!


Pastor J.D. Farag:

(Pastor J.D.’s Video List Here)


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Mindful Monday -The Greatest Love Ever – Happy Valentine’s Day

Mindful Monday - Valentines Day

It’s Valentine’s Day week. The day most of the world seems to celebrate love.  But the GREATEST love took place over two thousand years ago on a hill called Golgatha.  Also known as Calvary.  God Who Himself IS love took the form of a human born to a virgin and grew up as the only sinless human ever.  His name was and is Jesus.  Why was it the greatest love ever?  Remember the fall in the garden of Eden? Where Adam and Eve were deceived by satan and ate the fruit God forbid them to eat?  There had been no sin and no knowledge of what sin was until then.  But with the fall came the worse consequence of all to mankind.  Separation from God.  If you’ve read the book of Genesis you’ll remember that after God created Adam, He used to walk in the garden with Adam in the cool of the evening.  Can you imagine???  This is the same God who lit up Moses’ face so brightly from

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End of the Age Prophecy Updates for 2/11/18

End of the Age Updates for 2-11-18

Hello everyone! I hope you have all had a healthy and blessed week!

Firstly, I would like to ask for prayer for my other blog, That blog has the same content as this one but there is also couponing content.  That blog theme’s creative team released an update and it threw the layout all out of whack.  I’m still trying to figure out a fix and am also waiting to hear back (I hope) from a plea on the WordPress site where I asked for help.  Prayers appreciated! 🙂


Now on with the updates! —>


Pastor J.D. Farag:

(Pastor J.D.’s Video List Here)


Amir Tsarfati:

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Our First Doodling Challenge! February 2018

Doodle Challenge

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m the admin of a growing group on Facebook called, “Christian Planner, Journal, and Craft Fellowship“.  Seeing how many of us have hit the winter blahs, I thought I’d perk things up by offering a monthly doodling challenge.  Many of our members would like to improve our drawing skills and I think the practice a monthly doodling challenge will give us can go a long way in doing that.  Besides…doodling is fun! Right?  🙂

So here we go.  The first 7 days are empty because I’m just starting this on the 8th.

Click on the image below to pull up the full-size pdf file for printing.

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Mindful Monday Devotional -Practicing His Presence

Minday Monday Devotions-Practicing His Presence

This time of year many Christian women tend to choose a “word of the year” they feel the Lord has spoken to them to focus on.  This year the word the Lord has given me is, “Shepherd”.  I think mainly because my earthly father was very harsh and could be quite hateful at times, so I’ve struggled with my view of my heavenly Father.  He has been whispering to me how He is my daddy (Abba, Father). He is my shepherd who leads me, guides me, and protects me; and not only that, but He wants me to completely relax in His presence. My earthly father could be loving at times, but due to the times he was harsh, I found myself always on guard.  Ready to be lashed out at.  My heavenly Father doesn’t want that for me. He wants me to be relaxed in His presence, and at peace.  He wants me to see Him as my refuge and my safe harbor in the storm.

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Sick Boy Worried Mom

Sick Boy Worried MomSo this past week and a half I put everything else on hold while caring for my sickie kiddo. That meant no blogging, no graphics work, just sitting in bed next to my sweet boy in between changing sheets, encouraging him to drink something, giving him a steady supply of alternated liquid Tylenol and liquid Motrin.

Have I mentioned that my son is 14 but he has autism? Totally non-verbal. He can’t tell me what his symptoms are, so I have to play junior detective to try to figure out what’s wrong.

It all started a week ago last Tuesday when he came home from school with a note that said he didn’t eat breakfast or lunch.  I knew something was up when he didn’t eat at least lunch.  He’s never been big on breakfast foods.

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Scripture Writing Plan for February 2018

Scripture Writing Plan for February 2018

This post marks one year of Sincerely Sapphire’s scripture writing plans!  I’m so pleased with how eager so many of you are to get the next month’s plan 🙂  God is moving and drawing souls to Himself -both those already His and those who are seeking to know more about Him. It is my honor to provide these plans for you every month.  I am humbled to be used to the Lord as a tool to get you into His Word.  I’d love to hear back from how you are using the plans, and I’d love to see how you decorate your writings (if you choose to do so, which of course it’s not necessary). Just get into the Bible and drink freely from the water of life!


Click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing –>

Scripture Writing Plan for February 2018