July 2024 Scripture Writing Plan -Freedom and Liberty

Hello everyone 🙂

This has been a super busy spring and beginning of summer here at my house.  I started my very first garden ever and have been busy out there getting it set up. It’s a container garden sat up on raised skids to work best with my bad knees and back (I’ll post about that here shortly).

I also began my weight loss efforts in great earnest (more about that to come).  The gardening work has been a great help in burning calories! 🙂

This month’s Scripture writing plan is a revisit of the one from July 2022.  I think it best that here in the states as we celebrate our Independence Day where we revere freedom and liberty (which we seem to be losing more and more each day…)  that we would do best to be reminded that only in CHRIST are we truly liberated and free!  Liberated from the curse of sin and death.  Liberated to be one with Christ and grow in Him daily!

I wish you all (no matter what part of the world you may be viewing this from) a very lovely Independence Day!


I’m so thankful that so many of you are enjoying and spiritually benefiting from these monthly scripture writing plans! I love putting them together for you knowing that you find them useful and uplifting! Use these passages to write out the scriptures and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing –>

July 2024 Scripture Writing Plan HEADER

I usually print these out on 28 pound white paper (or 32 pound paper is even better) and just stick them right into my planner or journal. The heavier the paper, the less chance it will tear out of your binder or planner by accident and helps resist bleeding or ghosting from your pens or markers. It helps the page turn easier too.

For planner stickers, etc:  If you choose to print these out on full-size (letter) sticker paper. I use these here. They’re priced great and you can write on them easily. They are good enough quality for my needs. If you want a top-quality sticker paper look for these or clear vinyl ones here. (Though not all pens or markers will write well on the clear ones). If you don’t want to use sticker paper, you can print them on card stock or regular printer paper and glue them down. Honestly, the sticker paper is the most economical  way, however for everyday planning stickers. Regardless of the type.

Going through a lot of ink printing out planner stickers? Do like I did and enlist in the HP Instant Ink program! I’ve saved so much money on ink since I did several years ago. They have different plans, but the one I’m in is the plan that lets me print up to 300 pages worth of ink for just over $11 per month. That’s regardless of the amount of ink on the page.  I love printing out pictures on photo paper.  I fit 4 4×6-inch photos on one sheet of photo paper.  Imagine the amount of photos you can print at four pages per one page and the cost is the same for a full page of photo ink as it is for one dot.  It goes by the page, not the amount of ink!  You can choose lesser pages for a lower rate, but I do a lot of printing between coupons, planner stickers and other things. Click on the image here to check it out! –>

HP Instant Ink

June 2024 Scripture Writing Plan -God’s Promises to Believers

June, 2024 scripture writing plan header imageHi everyone 🙂

I really thought this month we should be reminded of God’s promises to those of us who are believers.  Believers (and receivers!) in Jesus Christ and His redemptive sacrifice for us on the cross.

He came for us.

He died for us.

He rose again for us.


There are SO many promises, obviously I couldn’t limit them to just 30, but I selected the ones that stood out most to me today.  I hope they touch your heart as you write them out as they have mine as I researched them for us 🙂

God bless you all as you comfort your heart –no, as the LORD comforts our hearts with His precious promises.  We need reminded of these daily!


I’m so thankful that so many of you are enjoying and spiritually benefiting from these monthly scripture writing plans! I love putting them together for you knowing that you find them useful and uplifting! Use these passages to write out the scriptures and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing –>

June 2024 Scripture writing plan thumb

I usually print these out on 28 pound white paper (or 32 pound paper is even better) and just stick them right into my planner or journal. The heavier the paper, the less chance it will tear out of your binder or planner by accident. It also helps resist bleeding or ghosting from your pens or markers. It helps the page turn easier too. If you choose to print these out on full-size (letter) sticker paper.

I use these here. They’re priced great and you can write on them easily. They are good enough quality for my needs. If you want a top-quality sticker paper look for these or clear ones here. (Though not all pens or markers will write well on the clear ones). If you don’t want to use sticker paper, you can print them on card stock or regular printer paper and glue them down.

Honestly, the sticker paper is the best way, however. Regardless of the type. Going through a lot of ink printing out planner stickers? Do like I did and enlist in the HP Instant Ink program! I’ve saved so much money on ink since I did a year and a half ago. They have different plans, but the one I’m in (the most pages) is that I can print up to 300 pages worth of ink for just over $9.99 per month. You can choose lesser pages for a lower rate, but I do a lot of printing between coupons, planner stickers and other things. Click on the image here to check it out! –>HP Instant Ink

May 2024 Scripture Writing Plan -Fear

May 2024 scripture writing plan header

Hello everyone 🙂

This is a repeated plan, but wow the world feels like it’s on full tilt right now, doesn’t it ?!

In light of all that’s happening, I think it wise to repeat our scripture writing plan on the topic of fear.

I’d love to hear back from some of you this month and let me know how these passages ministered to you!

I know I definitely need reminded of God’s promises in this area for sure.  Mostly because of all that’s happening in our headlines, but also because of my role as an autism mom and a big milestone my sweet boy and I are at a crossroads with.

He is set to graduate high school this month (May) and I’ve been touring some day programs for the next chapter of his life.  Boy is that a huge headache (and bittersweet heartache with the absence of my husband/ son’s daddy and doing this alone) as it’s so hard to trust someone else with the protection of my child.

That’s an ongoing  situation right now as you also add to the mix the fact that he may be able to switch high schools (as we moved last summer and we are in a different school district now) because he went to his old high school through the open enrollment at that school.  He legally has the right to go to public school one more year so that’s a real possibility.  I emailed the special education director (it’s the high school I graduated from myself back in the day, as well as my brother and sister and their kids).

I’m waiting to hear back from him and I’m hoping he can receive some therapy at the high school he would not be able to receive at a day program unless it’s someone coming in from the outside.

Argh! So many things to be concerned about, take into consideration, and feelings of bittersweet pride of my son about to graduate but also my husband not be here to  see it happen with me.

Your prayers are much appreciated!!


May 2024 scripture writing plan click hereI’m so thankful that so many of you are enjoying and spiritually benefiting from these monthly scripture writing plans! I love putting them together for you knowing that you find them useful and uplifting! Use these passages to write out the scriptures and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing –>


I usually print these out on 28 pound white paper (or 32 pound paper is even better) and

just stick them right into my planner or journal. The heavier the paper, the less chance it will tear out of your binder or planner by accident and helps resist bleeding or ghosting from your pens or markers. It helps the page turn easier too.

For planner stickers, etc:  If you choose to print these out on full-size (letter) sticker paper. I use these here. They’re priced great and you can write on them easily. They are good enough quality for my needs. If you want a top-quality sticker paper look for these or clear vinyl ones here. (Though not all pens or markers will write well on the clear ones).

If you don’t want to use sticker paper, you can print them on card stock or regular printer paper and glue them down. Honestly, the sticker paper is the most economical  way, however for everyday planning stickers. Regardless of the type.

Going through a lot of ink printing out planner stickers? Do like I did and enlist in the HP Instant Ink program! I’ve saved so much money on ink since I did several years ago. They have different plans, but the one I’m in is the plan that lets me print up to 300 pages worth of ink for just over $11 per month. That’s regardless of the amount of ink on the page.

I love printing out pictures on photo paper.  I fit 4 4×6-inch photos on one sheet of photo paper.  Imagine the amount of photos you can print at four pages per one page and the cost is the same for a full page of photo ink as it is for one dot.  It goes by the page, not the amount of ink!  You can choose lesser pages for a lower rate, but I do a lot of printing between coupons, planner stickers and other things. Click on the image here to check it out! –>

HP Instant Ink

April 2024 Scripture Writing Plan Christ’s Rapture and Second Coming

April 2024 Scripture Writing Plan headerHere is our April 2024 Scripture Writing plan. (Better late than never 🙂 ) Please forgive the last minute plan. I was sick all of March. First influenza A for two weeks then it turned into bronchitis. Finally my doctor called me in antibiotic and it worked. I’m at the tail end of it now.

I hope the rest of you are well and healthy.  There are so many bugs going around.  I’m guessing this wacky weather we’ve been having is part of it.  Here in north central Ohio we’re having summer one day and winter the next.  It’s crazy.

I decided to have Christ’s Rapture and 2nd Coming as our theme this month.  I consider myself a watchman (watch woman?) and things are converging so rapidly that I thought it was time for a reminder to look up because our redemption draws near. (Luke 21:28).


I’m so thankful that so many of you are enjoying and spiritually benefiting from these monthly scripture writing plans! I love putting them together for you knowing that you find them useful and uplifting! Use these passages to write out the scriptures and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing –>

April 2024 scripture writing plan thumb

I usually print these out on 28 pound white paper (or 32 pound paper is even better) and just stick them right into my planner or journal. The heavier the paper, the less chance it will tear out of your binder or planner by accident and helps resist bleeding or ghosting from your pens or markers. It helps the page turn easier too.

For planner stickers, etc:  If you choose to print these out on full-size (letter) sticker paper. I use these here. They’re priced great and you can write on them easily. They are good enough quality for my needs. If you want a top-quality sticker paper look for these or clear vinyl ones here. (Though not all pens or markers will write well on the clear ones). If you don’t want to use sticker paper, you can print them on card stock or regular printer paper and glue them down. Honestly, the sticker paper is the most economical  way, however for everyday planning stickers. Regardless of the type.

Going through a lot of ink printing out planner stickers? Do like I did and enlist in the HP Instant Ink program! I’ve saved so much money on ink since I did several years ago. They have different plans, but the one I’m in is the plan that lets me print up to 300 pages worth of ink for just over $11 per month. That’s regardless of the amount of ink on the page.  I love printing out pictures on photo paper.  I fit 4 4×6-inch photos on one sheet of photo paper.  Imagine the amount of photos you can print at four pages per one page and the cost is the same for a full page of photo ink as it is for one dot.  It goes by the page, not the amount of ink!  You can choose lesser pages for a lower rate, but I do a lot of printing between coupons, planner stickers and other things. Click on the image here to check it out! –>

HP Instant Ink

March 2024 Scripture Writing Plan -Renewal

March 2024 Scripture Writing Plan Header

I hope you all have had a blessed winter.  I for one am glad that Spring is so close.

Here in north central Ohio, the weather has been so odd.  One moment it’s like late Spring and the next more like the February it has been.

In this area, February is normally the snowiest, coldest month of the year.  It’s been awfully nice to have such beautiful days, but one has to wonder if we may have to pay for it, don’t you think? 🙂

As for me, it’s the never ending saga of trying to lose weight.  It’s the story of my life 🙂

I will post about it soon, I believe.

But for now, here is our scripture writing plan for March.  I need some renewal in my life for sure 🙂  But I’m ever mindful of the eternal renewal paid for us on the cross of Christ.  Let me know your thoughts as you work through this plan!

God bless you all!


I’m so thankful that so many of you are enjoying and spiritually benefiting from these monthly scripture writing plans! I love putting them together for you knowing that you find them useful and uplifting! Use these passages to write out the scriptures and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing –>

March 2024 scripture writing plan thumbnail

I usually print these out on 28 pound white paper (or 32 pound paper is even better) and just stick them right into my planner or journal. The heavier the paper, the less chance it will tear out of your binder or planner by accident. It also helps resist bleeding or ghosting from your pens or markers. It helps the page turn easier too. If you choose to print these out on full-size (letter) sticker paper.

I use these here. They’re priced great and you can write on them easily. They are good enough quality for my needs. If you want a top-quality sticker paper look for these or clear ones here. (Though not all pens or markers will write well on the clear ones). If you don’t want to use sticker paper, you can print them on card stock or regular printer paper and glue them down.

Honestly, the sticker paper is the best way, however. Regardless of the type. Going through a lot of ink printing out planner stickers? Do like I did and enlist in the HP Instant Ink program! I’ve saved so much money on ink since I did a year and a half ago. They have different plans, but the one I’m in (the most pages) is that I can print up to 300 pages worth of ink for just over $9.99 per month. You can choose lesser pages for a lower rate, but I do a lot of printing between coupons, planner stickers and other things. Click on the image here to check it out! –>HP Instant Ink

February 2024 Scripture Writing Plan -Love

February 2024 Scripture writing headerHi everyone!  I hope you’ve had a great January!  We’ve had several days of arctic temperatures and super strong winds that have closed schools about 4 days this month here in North Central Ohio. It’s January though, and the snow adds nitrogen to the soil and waters the ground for an abundant spring.

With all the negative events happening in the world right now, I’m trying to learn to look for the positive and God-blessed things to keep my spirit thankful and trusting Him to get us all through it and to learn to put our faith over our fear.

What better topic to focus on in February than love?  God’s love is so deep and wide, and all consuming for those of us who follow Him. He pours His love into an undeserving world calling everyone to Himself through the loving sacrifice of His own only begotten Son, Jesus Christ Who took our place opening the door for us to be forgiven and take our place with Him in eternity.

I hope you all glean much about the topic of love this month.  God’s love is the only thing that can bring us through all the terrible goings on in the world!


I’m so thankful that so many of you are enjoying and spiritually benefiting from these monthly scripture writing plans! I love putting them together for you knowing that you find them useful and uplifting! Use these passages to write out the scriptures and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing –>

I usually print these out on 28 pound white paper (or 32 pound paper is even better) and just stick them right into my planner or journal. The heavier the paper, the less chance it will tear out of your binder or planner by accident. It also helps resist bleeding or ghosting from your pens or markers. It helps the page turn easier too. If you choose to print these out on full-size (letter) sticker paper.

I use these here. They’re priced great and you can write on them easily. They are good enough quality for my needs. If you want a top-quality sticker paper look for these or clear ones here. (Though not all pens or markers will write well on the clear ones). If you don’t want to use sticker paper, you can print them on card stock or regular printer paper and glue them down.

Honestly, the sticker paper is the best way, however. Regardless of the type. Going through a lot of ink printing out planner stickers? Do like I did and enlist in the HP Instant Ink program! I’ve saved so much money on ink since I did a year and a half ago. They have different plans, but the one I’m in (the most pages) is that I can print up to 300 pages worth of ink for just over $9.99 per month. You can choose lesser pages for a lower rate, but I do a lot of printing between coupons, planner stickers and other things. Click on the image here to check it out! –>HP Instant Ink

January 2024 Scripture Writing Plan -A Fresh Start

Hello everyone 🙂

As promised, this is a few days late, but here is the first of hopefully many scripture writing plans to come for 2024.  Much has happened since my last post and I plan to writing a whole post about it, so for now, enjoy your January 2024 scripture writing plan!


I’m so thankful that so many of you are enjoying and spiritually benefiting from these monthly scripture writing plans! I love putting them together for you knowing that you find them useful and uplifting! Use these passages to write out the scriptures and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing –>

January 2024 Scripture Writing Plan Thumb

I usually print these out on 28 pound white paper (or 32 pound paper is even better) and just stick them right into my planner or journal. The heavier the paper, the less chance it will tear out of your binder or planner by accident. It also helps resist bleeding or ghosting from your pens or markers. It helps the page turn easier too. If you choose to print these out on full-size (letter) sticker paper.

I use these here. They’re priced great and you can write on them easily. They are good enough quality for my needs. If you want a top-quality sticker paper look for these or clear ones here. (Though not all pens or markers will write well on the clear ones). If you don’t want to use sticker paper, you can print them on card stock or regular printer paper and glue them down.

Honestly, the sticker paper is the best way, however. Regardless of the type. Going through a lot of ink printing out planner stickers? Do like I did and enlist in the HP Instant Ink program! I’ve saved so much money on ink since I did a year and a half ago. They have different plans, but the one I’m in (the most pages) is that I can print up to 300 pages worth of ink for just over $9.99 per month. You can choose lesser pages for a lower rate, but I do a lot of printing between coupons, planner stickers and other things. Click on the image here to check it out! –>HP Instant Ink

Scripture Writing Plans on Hold Temporarily

Pausing Temporarily

Hello everyone 🙂  I’ve so missed compiling the scripture writing plans every month for you all!

Sadly, it couldn’t be helped and I have to put them on hold just temporarily.

My landlady has decided to sell the house we’ve been living in for nearly eight years now, so I’m in panic mode trying to pack a whole house all by myself and trying to raise the money for moving expenses before I can even find a new house to move to.

Fortunately I don’t have a move out date YET (I stalk the mailbox every day while holding my breath 🙂 )  What’s happened is that my landlady lives over an hour from us and I’ve never even met her face to face.  We’ve texted when the need arises, but as far as renting the house to us in the first place, she’s worked through her realtor.  That’s how she’s working on taking the house back to sell too.

Her realtor called me few weeks ago and said that she wanted to sell the house.  He came over and took measurements (which I thought was odd given that they should have them on file).  I asked him about that and he just kind of moved on to a new question or statement…

Anyway…my son and I have to move.  My son just turned 20 (hard to believe that!!!) but has autism and is non-verbal.  We’re both disabled. Evan due to his autism and me for several things most notably spinal stenosis with degenerative disc syndrome and arthritis in my back and knees. Add to that the fact that I recently suffered a fractured vertebrae (L1) while trying to pull a couch out of our garage to give away and clear the garage out of my husband’s hoarding collection. That happened in November and I had back surgery for that this past December.

At any rate…I have to put the scripture writing plans on hold just until we get moved and settled.  Please don’t give up on me and please check back.  I’ll be sending out a post with an update once things have calmed down (and please dear Jesus, let them calm down!!) 🙂

I’m trying to raise the funds to pay for movers and the deposit wherever it is we wind up moving to.  Until the funds are found/raised, etc. I’m just packing away.  I had to take this week off a lot of packing because my son is on spring break and I cant’ spend a lot of time in another floor of the house with him home.

I’ve reluctantly (humbly…) set up a Go Fund Me campaign to try to get enough for our move.  If you feel led to help us out, you can click here to go to that page:

Scripture Writing Plans on Hold

February 2023 Scripture Writing Plan -You Are Enough

February 2023 scripture writing plan header

Hello everyone! I hope you are all well. Here in north central Ohio we have some icing going on out there. Today I’ve been seeking the Lord about the February Scripture Writing Plan.  I think He is putting on my heart, “You are enough” as I’ve been dealing with this issue myself.

I’m still laying a little low trying to not overdo it (since my back surgery in December).I’m allowed to lift up to 20 pounds now till April when I hope I’ll not have any more restrictions.  That will be good timing so I can be active again in the Spring and Summer and get more done around here.

So…this month the theme is, “You are enough”.  It’s a mantra I try to keep in mind for myself.  I really am dealing with a lot of feelings of unworthiness currently.  Also others finding me less than acceptable.

I have to confess the sin of envy too, I suppose.  I see other women who are in Godly relationships (I’m missing my husband who passed three years ago), who are fit and attractive.

I’m knocking on the door of a major age milestone and I’m really not dealing with it well.  My autistic son will be 20 in March and that’s always difficult.  Being a widow is bad enough, but add the autism mom, and the age milestone and it’s a real recipe for envy and it’s evil cousin named, “I’m not worthy”.

I know in my heart it’s all foolishness and that it’s God’s acceptance I’m really seeking, and I do, but I let the worries of what others think of me beat me up.  But I am actively battling it, and I thought I would share the scripture passages I’ve been reading as comfort for the February scripture writing plan.

February is the month of love, right?  I really am trying to seek just God’s love and approval.   It’s a hard day for those of us who are widows, isn’t it ladies?  And you widowers as well, of course.

So… I thought this was the perfect month to allow God’s Word to minister to us to comfort us and warm our hearts as He tells us how much He loves us and values us.  I may do a “ponderings of my predicaments” post about that.  I posted a vent on Facebook that was pretty long and I’ve gotten a lot of really sweet feedback.


I’m so thankful that so many of you are enjoying and spiritually benefiting from these monthly scripture writing plans! I love putting them together for you knowing that you find them useful and uplifting! Use these passages to write out the scriptures and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing –>

February 2023 scripture writing plan thumbnail

I usually print these out on 28 pound white paper (or 32 pound paper is even better) and just stick them right into my planner or journal. The heavier the paper, the less chance it will tear out of your binder or planner by accident and helps resist bleeding or ghosting from your pens or markers. It helps the page turn easier too. If you choose to print these out on full-size (letter) sticker paper. I use these here. They’re priced great and you can write on them easily. They are good enough quality for my needs. If you want a top-quality sticker paper look for these or clear ones here. (Though not all pens or markers will write well on the clear ones). If you don’t want to use sticker paper, you can print them on card stock or regular printer paper and glue them down. Honestly, the sticker paper is the best way, however. Regardless of the type. Going through a lot of ink printing out planner stickers? Do like I did and enlist in the HP Instant Ink program! I’ve saved so much money on ink since I did a year and a half ago. They have different plans, but the one I’m in (the most pages) is that I can print up to 300 pages worth of ink for just over $9.99 per month. You can choose lesser pages for a lower rate, but I do a lot of printing between coupons, planner stickers and other things. Click on the image here to check it out! –>HP Instant Ink

January 2023 Scripture Writing Plan -Forward

January 2023 Scripture Writing Plan HeaderHello friends,

I’m so sorry this is right at the crack of midnight, nearly 🙂  I was having technical difficulties with the blog, but I got it worked out just in time.

I apologize for not getting the December, 2022 scripture writing plan posted to the blog last month.  I fell in my driveway on the concrete while pulling a couch down the driveway to the curb (trying to de-hoard my late husband’s stuff finally) and I lost my grip on it and fell hard, with momentum onto my back.  I fractured my L1 vertebra and, as you can imagine I was in a crazy amount of pain.

I had surgery to inject surgical cement to the area on December 2nd and I’ve been recovering since then.  I can’t lift more than 5-10 pounds for a few more days then I can increase it to 20 pounds till April.  I’m not supposed to bend, but that’s next to impossible being a widowed mom to a special needs teenager.  I’m doing my best though.

But…onward and upward.  The surgery is behind me, so pray it continues helping.  I will say the intense pain I was in from the fractured vertebra is way way better, thank the Lord.

I do need ongoing prayer from you though, if you will.  I had a Cologuard test a few months ago that came back positive for colon cancer.  I’m going to be scheduled one day in January for a colonoscopy to (please Lord) rule it out.

So anyway, let’s keep in touch better in 2023!  Have a wonderful and blessed new year!



I’m so thankful that so many of you are enjoying and spiritually benefiting from these monthly scripture writing plans! I love putting them together for you knowing that you find them useful and uplifting! Use these passages to write out the scriptures and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing –>

January Scripture Writing Plan Click here 

I usually print these out on 28 pound white paper (or 32 pound paper is even better) and just stick them right into my planner or journal. The heavier the paper, the less chance it will tear out of your binder or planner by accident and helps resist bleeding or ghosting from your pens or markers. It helps the page turn easier too. If you choose to print these out on full-size (letter) sticker paper. I use these here. They’re priced great and you can write on them easily. They are good enough quality for my needs. If you want a top-quality sticker paper look for these or clear ones here. (Though not all pens or markers will write well on the clear ones). If you don’t want to use sticker paper, you can print them on card stock or regular printer paper and glue them down. Honestly, the sticker paper is the best way, however. Regardless of the type. Going through a lot of ink printing out planner stickers? Do like I did and enlist in the HP Instant Ink program! I’ve saved so much money on ink since I did a year and a half ago. They have different plans, but the one I’m in (the most pages) is that I can print up to 300 pages worth of ink for just over $9.99 per month. You can choose lesser pages for a lower rate, but I do a lot of printing between coupons, planner stickers and other things. Click on the image here to check it out! –>HP Instant Ink