2020 Financial Planner Printable with a Freebie

2020 Financial Planner

Brand new in my Etsy shop is a 2020 Financial Planner I just put together!

(Check out my Food and Fitness planner here too!)

Actually I made it for myself and a few people in my Facebook group asked if I was selling it and I decided to polish it up a bit and add it to my Etsy shop.  I’ve been wanting to get more offerings in there anyway.  In addition, if you do decide to purchase it, just know that you are helping my son and I with bills and groceries as we await my husband’s social security income decision (for my new readers, he passed away in September…)  Things are really tight at the moment and you would be helping me to build my online business and provide for my son and I in my husband’s absense.

If you’d like a freebie page of it, click HERE

If you would like to purchase the whole thing, it’s in two parts (due to Etsy size restrictions) at the following links:

January through June, 2020

July through December, 2020

Here are thumbnail images of what’s inside.  I’m giving you a thumbnail view which has a watermark on it.  The original is created at 300 dpi for nice clear printing and does not have the watermark on it.  When you see the images created for January, every month has a matching page for it.


Check out my Etsy shop for this planner and other printable items

Thank you for your consideration!


I usually print these out on 28 pound white paper (or 32 pound paper is even better) and just stick them right into my planner or journal. The heavier the paper, the less chance it will tear out of your binder or planner by accident and helps resist bleeding or ghosting from your pens or markers. It helps the page turn easier too.

Worried about ink-heavy pages?  Do like I did and enlist in the HP Instant Ink program! I’ve saved so much money on ink since I did a year and a half ago. They have different plans, but the one I’m in (the most pages) is that I can print up to 300 pages worth of ink for just over $9.99 per month. You can choose lesser pages for a lower rate, but I do a lot of printing between coupons, planner stickers and other things. Click on the image here to check it out! –>

HP Instant Ink


Giveaway!!! Four SCRIBE BIBLE JOURNALS and a Christmas planner! Enter now!

**GIVEAWAY** Today is the GRAND store opening of our friends @scribebiblejournal . To celebrate we’re partnering with them & they’re giving away 4 SCRIBE BIBLE JOURNALS to 4 lucky winners. I’m including my latest Christmas planner (printable) as well. Yay!
To enter:
1. Follow @scribebiblejournal on Facebook
2. Follow @sincerelylsapphire on Facebook
3. Favorite CalvaryCrafters on Etsy
4. Tag a minimum of 3 friends in separate comments (each additional tag is an entry).

You already know how much I love mine!  Click here to see my review of it and here to watch my video review.

You definitely need this journal in your life. It will help you create a habit to stay in the Word every day. It’s science-backed!! And it’s got the S.O.A.P Bible study method predesigned in it! Good luck friends!

*Giveaway ends Saturday November 23rd at 11:59 p.m. EST
#giveaway #journal #jesus #reppinjesus #scribejournal #quiettime#Jesustime #relationshipwithJesus #wisdom #bible #wordsofwisdom#freebies #freestuff #avk19 #biblejournaling #bulletjournal #devotional #devo

To follow the Scribe Bible Journal Facebook page, click here and follow like this. https://www.facebook.com/pg/SCRIBEbiblejournal :

Scribe Journal facebook page

To follow my Sincerely Sapphire Facebook page, click here and follow like this. https://www.facebook.com/Helen.Sincerely.Sapphire/ :

Sincerely Sapphire Facebook page

To favorite my Etsy Shop, Calvary Crafters, click here and favorite like this.https://www.etsy.com/shop/CalvaryCrafters :

Calvary Crafters Etsy Shop

“Creative You” Planner Stickers and Stamps at Walmart

"Creative You" Planner products at Walmart

I’ve been telling my Facebook group that I would make a flip-through video of the new “Creative You” planner/journaling products available at Walmart.  I finally did the video today!

The price on this line is great! Each sticker pack I reviewed in the video below was less than $3. (I think the stamp set was around the same price, but don’t remember for sure).

Please overlook my lightly issue in this video.  The best lighting in our house is in the kitchen by the sliding glass door and my husband and son were home, so not the best time to shoot a video in the kitchen. I did this in my craft room with the normal lighting and an Ott-Lite  that’s great for working on crafts and sewing up close, but not so great for shooting videos 🙂

If you want to see just a close-up of the stickers and stamps with less chat, fast forward to the 19:25 mark.

Also, please give me a thumbs up and consider subscribing to my channel.  I’m pretty new to my own channel on YouTube and am improving all the time. Enjoy!  —>


Autumn FREE Printable Planner Stickers

Is anyone else getting the Autumn decorating itch? 🙂  I spent some time this week creating a whole new set of Autumn printable planner stickers and the Silhouette cut files to match them.  Today I am sharing with you a freebie from that set.  You can check out the rest of the set in my Etsy shop here.  This is formatted to fit the classic-size Happy Planner planner, but you can always use it in other planners and bullet journals.

Print these out on full-size sticker paper.  I use these here.  They’re priced great and you can write on them easily. They are good enough quality for my needs.  If you want a top-quality sticker paper look for these or clear ones here. (Though not all pens or markers will write well on the clear ones). If you don’t want to use sticker paper, you can print them on card stock or regular printer paper and glue them down.  Honestly, the sticker paper is the best way, however. Regardless of the type.

If you’d like this printable, click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing.  If you use this kit, I would LOVE to see how you use it! Please comment below so I can see 🙂


Free Printable – Proverbs 31 Monthly Tracker

Hi everyone! Well it looks like we all survived the eclipse; and as far as I know, we are all still here 🙂

It’s been a while since I shared a printable, so today I am sharing for us all, my newly created Proverbs 31 Woman Monthly Tracker for our bullet journals (or regular journals or planners).  It’s sized to fit an A5-journal (8″ x 5.5″).  I will share the pdf, then under that will be a short tutorial for how I’m planning to use mine.  So let’s get right to it 🙂

This is an update from my weekly tracker and last-minute attempt to turn that one into a monthly. You can get the weekly from that post here.

Click on the thumbnail here to pull up the full-sized pdf file to print –>

Proverbs 31 woman tracker

Now that you have the file, I suggest you Continue reading