Create Your Own Stencils from Laminating Pouches -DIY Build Your Stash

worrying about my husband’s health and prognosis as he was recently diagnosed with squamous cell cancer (new post in my Ponderings of My Predicaments series to come soon about that…).

Busy day for me 🙂 I went to visit my mom, did a little shopping, came home and worked on laundry, now I’m on my laptop getting some online work done 😉

I hope you enjoy learning how you can make your own stencils and save money building your stash! 🙂

This week is how to make your own stencils from your favorite fonts.


DIY Homemade Glimmer Mist Build Your Stash YouTube Video

DIY glimmer mist

Around the same time I made my DIY alcohol inks, I also made my own DIY glimmer mist.  It’s along the same method, but you add a clear glue to the bottle as well.  It adds a nice shimmer, glittery sparkle to your work, and who can’t use a little more sparkle in their lives? 🙂  It’s just the same 2-ounce spray bottles as in the alcohol ink video, alcohol, any clear-drying glue, and any loose eye shadow (I used LA Colors from Dollar Tree, but I just found a great assortment of it on Amazon for a great price here!)


Supplies I used:

(these are affilate links and any time you click on an affiliate link I provide in my post, I get a tiny commission at no cost to you)

2-ounce spray bottles with caps


Mod Podge (or any type of clear-drying glue)

Loose eye shadow (I got mine at Dollar Tree, but you can get a great variety of it on Amazon here)