End of the Age Prophecy Updates for 3/18/18

End of the Age Updates for 3-18-18

Hi everyone! I hope you all are having a great weekend 🙂  It’s a rough day for me as I just lost a tooth which has left me not wanting to be seen in public due to, but I’m trying to swallow my pride and just be humble about it as I wait to get in to the dentist (not till April 10th! eeks!!).  It’s going to be a long three weeks! (prayers appreciated!!)

But there are more intense things happening in our world than my lost tooth. Let’s get to that now —>

UPDATE:  This is posted a day behind on 3/19/18 due to technical difficulties. I got it fixed now 🙂


Pastor J.D. Farag:

(Pastor J.D.’s Video List Here)


Amir Tsarfati:

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End of the Age Prophecy Updates for 2/18/18

End of the Age Updates for 2-18-18

This week here in the US, we’ve had another mass school shooting 🙁 This time in Parkland, Florida. The tragedy as awful and terrible as it was, is also dividing Christian against Christian in this blogger’s viewpoint. I have over 700 friends on Facebook and well over half are Christians.  Half of those are posting things promoting the need (insistance actually) for gun control.  The other half are staunchly opposed to gun control insisting that if you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns and thus there will be no way to protect themselves and their families as well as concerns for too much government control.

In addition, for me, there is a huge concern that our response to this is a tool for dividing the body of Christ.  It’s good to have strong beliefs and to know why you believe what you believe, but in the midst of that, it’s imperative that we as believers disagree agreeably.  To have discussions is a good thing, but when you start feeling irate towards other believers for not viewing an issue the same way you do and expressing that anger at them is a HUGE problem for any believer.  The rest of the world is watching us and when they see us tearing into each other, they ask themselves why they should give our faith any consideration. It’s a very bad testimony and shines a very bad light on our Savior, Jesus Christ.  This must grieve Him terribly 🙁  The death and carnage is terribly terribly sad and outrageous. That’s a given.   I just want to encourage you, my readers (and myself) to be very careful how we react to it and to remember to be loving in the midst of our outrage and remember to reflect that love to the world and each other.  Don’t let the enemy use you as a tool in his arsenal!


Pastor J.D. Farag:

(Pastor J.D.’s Video List Here)


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End of the Age Prophecy Updates for 2/11/18

End of the Age Updates for 2-11-18

Hello everyone! I hope you have all had a healthy and blessed week!

Firstly, I would like to ask for prayer for my other blog, CalvaryCouponers.com. That blog has the same content as this one but there is also couponing content.  That blog theme’s creative team released an update and it threw the layout all out of whack.  I’m still trying to figure out a fix and am also waiting to hear back (I hope) from a plea on the WordPress site where I asked for help.  Prayers appreciated! 🙂


Now on with the updates! —>


Pastor J.D. Farag:

(Pastor J.D.’s Video List Here)


Amir Tsarfati:

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End of the Age Prophecy Updates for 1/7/18

End of the Age Updates for 1-7-18

Hello everyone!  Well the holidays are behind us and I’m trying to get the “normal” back to routine 🙂  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and a blessed Christmas! Speaking of normal, this post gets me back to my normal posting of our end of the age updates posts every Sunday.  My hope with these posts is that we all are kept alert to what is occuring in our world and how it matches up to Bible prophecy (and boy does it ever!).  Here are this week’s updates:


Pastor J.D. Farag:

(Pastor J.D.’s Video List Here)


Amir Tsarfati:

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End of the Age Prophecy Updates for 12/10/17

End of the Age Updates for 12-10-17

Hello everyone! I hope you all are having a joyous Christmas season as the day approaches on which we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ!  I apologize for the lateness of this post. I’ve been swamped with making my own Christmas cards this year (a post to come on that) and my intermediate sign language class.  A lot has happened since my last prophecy update post, so let’s get right to it! –>

(I’m going to post the most recent videos. If you’d like to watch the weeks I missed sharing, click on the link below each video set to go to the list of videos for each respective speaker.)


Pastor J.D. Farag:

(Pastor J.D.’s Video List Here)


Amir Tsarfati:

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End of the Age Prophecy Updates for 10/29/17

End of the Age Updates for 10-29-17

I feel like it’s been months since I posted a prophecy update post! The Lord is teaching me patience in a big way while waiting for my web host to finish fixing my blogs. But this one is up and running, so I’m sharing this week’s updates right here 🙂 Here we go!

Pastor J.D. Farag:


(Pastor J.D.’s Video List Here)


Amir Tsarfati:

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End of the Age Prophecy Updates for 10/8/17

End of the Age Updates for 10/8/17

First off, let me apologize for not getting last week’s updates post done.  The week just got away from me and I had so much going on that I ran out of time.  I started taking a sign language class last month and that’s thrown me for a loop as well 🙂

Also, after some bandwidth issues yesterday after posting my Friday Freebie planner printable, I reached out to my web hosting company and upgraded my account to a business account, so hopefully my two blogs will now be much quicker and have no bandwidth problems from here out! 🙂


Pastor J.D. Farag:

(waiting for this week’s to post. Does anyone know if this week’s is canceled?)

(Pastor J.D.’s Video List Here)


Amir Tsarfati:

(AMIR’S VIDEO LIST HERE)  (Amir’s Facebook here)

(Amir’s blog here)

John Haller from Fellowship Bible Chapel, Columbus, Ohio Prophecy Update:

(Waiting for this week’s to post too. Does anyone know if this week’s is canceled?)

Last week’s (wow, this is more than one Christian Facebook friend I have who is in Facebook jail right now…hmmm…)

(John Haller’s Video List Here)


Joel Rosenberg:

Joel is super busy right now as his 2017 Epicenter Conference has gotten underway a few days ago. Click on the screenshot below to pull up the site you can watch his videos on –>

Joel Rosenberg Epicenter Conference 2017

(I really encourage you to follow his blog posts HERE and HERE).)

oel is very intelligent and up to date on current events involving Israel (where he and his family now live), the Middle East, Russia, and others.  I own every book he’s written and have learned a great deal from him. You can find his books HERE, which I highly recommend!

Joel has a new book coming out in March called The Kremlin Conspiracy I’ve already pre-ordered on Amazon ? Check it out! –>

(Joel has a great blog and Facebook group)

Track Bible Prophecy with Joel’s Blog regularly by clicking HERE

Joel’s Facebook Page


Calvary Melbourne Australia, Pastor Andrew Russell:

(This is the third one with today’s not posted. Is everyone at a prophecy conference or something??)

Wednesday night’s:

(Pastor Russell’s Video List Here)


Lamb and Lion Ministries (David Reagan and Nathan Jones):

(Lamb & Lion Video List Here)


The Hal Lindsey Report:

Click on image below to pull up the current video on his website in a new tab—>

Hal Lindsey Report October 6 2017

Hal’s Web Site Here

(Find Hal’s recent videos there on his web site. A lot of videos of his are being posted to YouTube that are old videos but given the current date. I’m going to start getting it from his web site. I can’t embed the video into my blog post here, but you can click on the screenshot above to pull up the current video in a new tab.)


Jack Hibbs:

(Jack’s Video List Here)


Jack Van Impe Presents:

(Jack’s Video List Here)


Steve Cioccolanti:

(Steve’s video list here)


Prophecy in the News:

(Prophecy in the News’ Video List Here)


Prophecy Watchers (Gary Stearman):

(Prophecy Watchers’ Video List Here)


Perry Stone (Manna-Fest/Voice of Evangelism):

(Perry’s Video List here and here)


Shofar Ministries:

There are other updates at Shofar this past week, so check those out –>

(Shofar Ministries’ Video List Here)


Israeli News Live (Steven Ben DeNoon):

Several Other Videos by Steven this Week:

(Steven’s Video List Here)


The Superior Word Prophecy Update:


The Superior Word Video List Here)


SkyWatchTV News:

SkyWatch Video List Here)


His Channel: October 5, 2017

(Click on image below to pull up this week’s video)

World News Briefing by His Channel

(His Channel Video List Here)


EternalRhythmFlow (Scotty Clarke):

(Scotty’s Video List Here)


Jan Markell Olive Tree Ministries:

(Jan’s Video List Here)


The Jerusalem Channel:

(Jerusalem Channel’s Video List Here)


End Times Headline News:

(the YouTube account has been terminated…)

(Video List for End Times Headline News)


Other channels that often have prophecy updates, just not every week:

Skip Heitzig:  https://www.youtube.com/user/CalvaryABQ/videos

Watchmen Pastors:  https://www.youtube.com/user/WatchmenPastors/videos

Billy Crone:  https://www.youtube.com/user/NFBCmedia


Tracking Headlines – 10/8/2017:

(Thanks to Tracking Bible Prophecy)

In surprising move, Arab states slated to withdraw anti-Israel UNESCO resolution

Opinion: The Transformation Of Jerusalem – The Israeli construct “Greater Jerusalem” is a misnomer

In false alarm, rocket sirens blare in Israeli communities near Gaza Strip

Jewish Man Found Dead Near Israeli Arab City Likely Killed in Terror Attack, Security Sources Say

Thousands of Evangelical pilgrims mark Feast of Tabernacles in Ein Gedi

Civilian casualties spiral in Syria as air raids target areas marked for cease fire

Saudi Royal Palace Attacked by Gunman, Two Guards Killed

Eleven injured in car crash near London museum, terrorism ruled out

Three charged in mysterious, failed terror-linked attack on Paris building

‘He Had Help’: Judge Jeanine Says Las Vegas Massacre Was ‘Too Vast for One Guy’

Las Vegas shooter left behind calculations for targeting crowd

Outrage as Nevada professor suggests Trump deserves blame for Las Vegas massacre

Pence In Las Vegas: ‘We Are United In Our Resolve To End Such Evil’

Peggy Noonan: Why do Americans own so many guns? Because they don’t trust elites to protect them

Bangladesh’s mega refugee camp plan ‘dangerous’: UN official

Ghana’s capital rocked by huge gas blasts

Thousands demand Putin quit as birthday protests turn violent

Trump on North Korea: Only one thing will work, and it’s not diplomacy

Spain’s PM says may use constitution to block Catalan independence

Fear, patriotism fill Spain streets in Catalan crisis

Polish Catholics pray at borders ‘to save country’

Facebook begins ‘human review’ of potentially sensitive ads

After Russian Elections Ads, Facebook Turns to Wikipedia to Fight ‘Fake News’

Future of news: bracing for next wave of technology

An Earth-Sized Space Shield to Protect Us From Solar Storms Is Less Crazy Than It Sounds

TC4: How NASA Plans to Test its Planetary Defense Systems on Close-Approach Asteroid

Human activity can trigger earthquakes, but how many? This number might surprise you

Popocateptl volcano in Mexico erupts to 30,000ft

Sabancaya volano in Peru erupts to 28,000ft

Cotopaxi volcano in Ecuador erupts to 22,000ft

Revetador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 16,500ft

Sinabung volcano in Indonesia erupts to 15,000ft

‘Worst Hurricane Since Katrina’: Gulf Coast Braces Itself for Nate’s Imminent Landfall

Hurricane Nate intensifies as it tracks toward Gulf Coast, bringing major surge threat

Oil output on US Gulf Coast curtailed as Hurricane Nate nears

EPA poised to formally repeal Clean Power Plan in major blow to Obama’s climate legacy

Mosquito-Borne Diseases Found In U.S. Athletes And Staff At Rio Olympics

Madagascar receives almost 1.2 million doses of antibiotics to fight plague

With 44 dead, life threatening dengue continues to haunt KP

Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California

Future of healing: New, smart bandage will be tailored for a specific wound

As Overdose Deaths Pile Up, a Medical Examiner Quits the Morgue

Florida moms overdosed on heroin while their newborns were in the backseat, police say

ACLU suing FDA to make abortion pill available in all US pharmacies

Patient Accused Of Stabbing Psychiatrist More Than 160 Times At Clinic

Widow Slams Two-Year Sentence For Illegal Immigrant Who Killed Husband, Two Children


End of the Age Prophecy Updates for 9/24/17

End of the Age Updates for 9/24/17


Hello everyone! Isn’t it great to get together with other believers like this and fellowship and share the Word together?  That’s what I like to think I’m doing as I write these posts every week.  Part of the dialogue we share together is comparing notes with what we’ve learned since the last time we were together. That’s especially true of those who have a great passion for Bible prophecy -the study of what is happening in the world and how it lines up with world events.  We compare notes and see what each other thinks. You agree up to now, correct? 🙂

I just say that to encourage you NOT TO SCOFF  at those who are watching and share that they suspect that a certain time period is a high-watch time.  None of the Bible prophecy teachers I follow dogmatically say that a certain day is definitely the day of the Rapture.  They’ve said that it’s strongly a high-watch period based on Biblical statements compared with things in the world.  That should tell us that they are serious watchers. Are you watching as closely as they’ve been?  I doubt if any of us are.

Now, of course if someone DOES say that Jesus absolutely IS coming back for His church on a certain date, do not listen to them. PRAY FOR THEM. Listen carefully to what they say.  If they seem puffed up and arrogant about it, I don’t listen to them nor will I share their messages here on my blog.  If they seem to be humble and seriously seeking and not dogmatically insisting on an exact date (not just a high -watch time), I respect them for the effort they’re putting in to watch and keep us informed.  They should be prayed for especially because the world and many many Christians are scoffing at them and slandering them with others.

DON’T YOU BE ONE OF THEM!  Pray for them! Love them, love ON them. Show them the love of Jesus.  They truly need it. Be wise and not arrogant. Don’t be all puffed up yourself!  I’ve had a handful of Facebook friends laughing and taunting these teachers and sharing memes full of images and words that make fun.  When I see that I think of the pharisees.  Don’t be one!  If you have been, please reconsider your actions and repent and be loving from now onward.

Be an ambassador for Jesus. Represent Him well because the world is watching!  The Bible tells us that they will know we are Christians by their love for one another.  Are they seeing love from you towards these watchers?  Think about it!

Please listen to the first part of Pastor J.D. about the September 23rd rapture watching. Thank you for your kindness, pastor J.D. So many believers are being so cruel to those who honestly thought it would happen. Be kind to each other, everyone!


Pastor J.D. Farag:

(Pastor J.D.’s Video List Here)


Amir Tsarfati:

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Mindful Monday Devotional – Are You Rapture Ready?

Mindful Monday Devotional - Are You Rapture Ready?

This week’s Mindful Monday devotional is very near and dear to my heart.  The devotional is given by Anne Graham Lotz. You may know her best as the daughter of Billy Graham.  As many of my readers and those who know me are aware, the Rapture and Bible prophecy as a whole is a calling of mine, and has been since a few years before I gave my heart to Christ when I was a senior in high school. Both of my grandfathers were pastors so I grew up in my mom’s dad’s church in my early years.  The closest I became aware of what the end times were back then was from singing the song, “I’ll Fly Away.”  As a child, I just thought the song was about the time of our deaths.

Through a whole series of events I now realize were orchestrated by my Father, God, I was educated about the Rapture and subsequent tribulation period to be endured by those who would be Left Behind.  I definitely did not want to be left behind to

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