Mindful Monday Devotional – He Will Never Forget You!

Mindful Monday - He will never forget you

Have you ever felt that you were just so insignificant in the big picture of the fast universe that it’s difficult to believe that God even knows who you are?  I think we all have, (yes, even you! Whether you admit it or not!)  I do quite often and the Lord reminds me every time that He loves me enough to die for me. What amazing grace!

I mean think about it. In all the history of the world and all the people who have been born onto it, how can little “me” mean anything to the creator of such a world?  But he does!  And not just a little bit, the Bible tells us in Luke 12:

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End of the Age Prophecy Updates for 3/25/18

End of the Age Updates for 3-25-18

Well Spring arrived this week -at least on the calendar 🙂  Someone needs to inform mother nature of that fact after the snow storm we had the other day 🙂  I hope it was my son’s last snow day of the school year. Not because I mind him being home, but because he loves school so much.  I hope you all are winding up your snowy-season schedules and ready for sweet Spring!  Here’s a wind up for you as well – a round up actually. Our end of the age updates for March, 25, 2018 🙂


Pastor J.D. Farag:

(Pastor J.D.’s Video List Here)


Amir Tsarfati:

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Scripture Writing Plan for April 2018

Scripture Writing Plan for April 2018


With last month’s theme being “renewal”, I thought the next step in progression should surely be “growth”!  Once someone is renewed by becoming a disciple of Jesus, we begin to grow. Growth is necessary for all stages of life: physically, mentally, and spiritually alike.  If we become stagnant, we are rendered useless for ourselves and the Kingdom!

Use these passages to write out the scriptures and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! 🙂


Click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing –>

April scripture writing plan

End of the Age Prophecy Updates for 3/18/18

End of the Age Updates for 3-18-18

Hi everyone! I hope you all are having a great weekend 🙂  It’s a rough day for me as I just lost a tooth which has left me not wanting to be seen in public due to, but I’m trying to swallow my pride and just be humble about it as I wait to get in to the dentist (not till April 10th! eeks!!).  It’s going to be a long three weeks! (prayers appreciated!!)

But there are more intense things happening in our world than my lost tooth. Let’s get to that now —>

UPDATE:  This is posted a day behind on 3/19/18 due to technical difficulties. I got it fixed now 🙂


Pastor J.D. Farag:

(Pastor J.D.’s Video List Here)


Amir Tsarfati:

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Mindful Monday Devotional – The Fear of the Lord

Mindful Monday Devotional - The Fear of the Lord

The Fear of the Lord

I was raised by two parents both of whom had preachers for fathers. My mom’s dad was a Freewill Baptist hellfire and brimstone preacher. I remember him pounding the pulpit begging sinners to come forward to receive Jesus and become born again.  He was only like that at the pulpit. He was very kind and loving. He died when I was only 12, but I have very fond memories of loving him very much (I named my son’s middle name after him). My dad’s dad was very very old when I was old enough to have memories of him and he had retired from preaching by then, so I only have knowledge of his preaching from my brother and sister who are older than I am as well as my parents, but I know his denomination (holiness pentecostal) was very legalistic. They teach that you can fall from God’s graces very easily.

As a result, I had a “Wizard of Oz type of fear” of God. Remember when Dorothy and friends went to the wizard and they shook in their shoes and the tinman was rattling in fear, the scarecrow was falling all over the place and the lion ran out scared to bits? That was my fear of God at an early age.

Since I never felt I could match up to these expectations, I resisted my salvation till I was 17 when God really called me hard through a series of events not related to my family’s teachings.  I remember very well the night I told my mom and dad that I’d been saved.  As preacher’s kids, both of them should have been thrilled that their child had “come home”, right?  Wrong…In fact, when I told my mom and dad that I’d gotten saved they sighed and looked at each other frowning.  My dad (who was very stern and had a problem with his temper –thats another post altogether) told me that I could never ever lie, could never sass him ever again, and gave me this long list of things I could never ever do again.

Is it any surprise then that I had a Wizard of Oz fear of God??

Fast Forward to my 20’s.  I’m so glad the Lord taught me about His grace and mercy and how only unbelievers should expect to encounter God that way and then on the day of judgment.

He is a holy God Who deserves great reverence for sure, but He is Father to those who believe and receive Christ. To us He WANTS us to come to the throne boldly. He wants to teach of us His love. He is our Abba (daddy) 💓


Charles Stanley tells us, “If God is love, then why does He command us to fear Him? The fear of the Lord isn’t about being afraid of God; it’s about revering Him above all else. When we do that, we position ourselves to receive all the benefits that come with putting God first in our lives”


“What does it mean to fear the Lord? Should we be terrified of Him, or does it mean something else?

If we are lost and living in sin, we have a good reason to be afraid of God because we are not right with Him and are destined for judgment and condemnation. But if we are His redeemed people, there is no reason to be terrified of Him. However, we have every reason to show Him reverence and honor Him.”


The Scribe Bible Journal -Review

Scribe Bible Journal Review

This week I’m reviewing a brand new Bible journal called “The Scribe Bible Journal“.  I really liked it and if you’d like to check it out or maybe buy one for yourself, you can do that HERE.

I’m going to keep my blog post introduction for this short as I’m experiencing some technical difficulty.  The touchpad on my laptop has decided to freeze up and I had to dig around in my desk drawers and find an old mouse to plug into till I can figure out the problem and it’s really awkward. I’ve tried a few suggestions I dug up in a Google search,but every time I reboot the laptop, it’s fine for about five minutes then the cursor freezes up again.

So, the information I want to share with you is in the video below anyway, so I submit that for your information (and hopefully blessing) here —>


Here is a selection of pages you can get a better view of, if you’d like.  Just click on the image and it will open up as a bigger page:

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Mindful Monday Devotional – Dead but Still Deadly

Mindful Monday Devotional - Dead but Still Deadly

I just finished reading day one of the devotional by Louie Giglio from his book, Goliath Must Fall.  This hit home with me because I really have been feeling like the enemy is attacking me hard of late.  The Bible tells us in Genesis 3:14-15:

“The Lord God said to the serpent,

“Because you have done this,
    cursed are you above all livestock
    and above all beasts of the field;
on your belly you shall go,
    and dust you shall eat
    all the days of your life.
 I will put enmity between you and the woman,
    and between your offspring and her offspring;
he shall bruise your head,
    and you shall bruise his heel.”

(there’s a good explanation about this passage here)


Satan thought he had Jesus defeated when he watched Him die on the cross, but 3 days later, Jesus demonstrated to the world that He is the one who crushed Satan when He rose from the dead defeating death and Satan once and for all.   Satan is crushed but he is still deadly.  Until that day he is thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10), he still is roaming the world like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour (1 Peter 5:8).

So what can we do?  Let’s read what Louie Giglio has to say in this week’s devotional:

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Doodle Challenge for March 2018

March 2018 Doodle Challenge

March’s doodle challenge was a challenge to try to decide on a theme 🙂  I wound up combining journaling tools with Saint Patrick’s day for the first half of the month, and since Easter is on April 1st, I went with Easter/Resurrection Day for the last half of the month focusing mostly on the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ!

This challenge is participated in by the members of my Facebook group, Christian Planner, Journal, and Craft Fellowship and any of you who would like to join us! You can join us in the group or join along on Instagram. The doodle challenge just started a few weeks ago, so we are growing into it, but there’s a lot of fun going on in the group with it 🙂

Click the thumbnail image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing! –>

Scripture Writing Plan for March 2018

March Scripture Writing Plan

For this month’s scripture writing plan, I decided to focus on renewal.  So many of us seem to have the winter blah’s and need a bit of an oomph, I think 🙂  Easter (Resurrection Day) is April 1st and as it’s a time of renewal it was just appropriate for us to renew our minds with the Word of God.  It really does transform us!


Click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing –>

March 2018 Scripture Writing Test

Mindful Monday Devotional -Selfless Love

Mindful Monday Devotional - Selfless Love


This week here in the US, we’ve had another mass school shooting 🙁   This time in Parkland, Florida. The tragedy as awful and terrible as it was, is also dividing Christian against Christian in this blogger’s viewpoint. I have over 700 friends on Facebook and well over half are Christians.  Half of those are posting things promoting the need (insistance actually) for gun control.  The other half are staunchly opposed to gun control insisting that if you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns and thus there will be no way to protect themselves and their families as well as concerns for too much government control.

In addition, for me, there is a huge concern that our response to this is a tool for dividing the body of Christ.  It’s good to have strong beliefs and to know why you believe what you believe, but in the midst of that, it’s imperative that we as believers disagree agreeably.  To have discussions is a good thing, but when you start feeling irate towards other believers for not viewing an issue the same way you do and expressing that anger at them is a HUGE problem for any believer.  The rest of the world is watching us and when they see us tearing into each other, they ask themselves why they should give our faith any consideration. It’s a very bad testimony and shines a very bad light on our Savior, Jesus Christ.  This must grieve Him terribly 🙁  The death

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