Doodle Challenge for June 2018

June 2018 Doodle Challenge Banner

My son’s last day of school was last Friday, so it’s officially summer break.  It only makes sense for June’s doodle challenge to be about Summer Vacation.

This challenge is participated in by the members of my Facebook group, Christian Planner, Journal, and Craft Fellowship and any of you who would like to join us! You can join us in the group or join along on Instagram.

Why do we doodle? Doodling helps improve our drawing skills so we can improve our Bible art journaling pages!

Click the thumbnail image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing! –>

June 2018 Doodle Challenge

Scripture Writing Plan for June 2018

June 2018 Scripture Writing Plan

This month I asked my Facebook group for ideas for the theme.  Along with suggestions, I kept seeing that so many of my members are going through a lot of battles (my family included -my mom suffered a stroke a few weeks ago on top of her alzheimers 🙁 ) , so it felt like the Lord was leading me to make this month’s scripture writing plan to be about spiritual warfare!

Use these passages to write out the scriptures and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! 🙂

Click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing –>

June 2018 scripture writing plan thumbnail

Mindful Monday Devotional – A Lesson in Diligence!

The topic of this week’s Mindful Monday devotional came easy to me as I was pondering having finally reconnected with my junior and senior high school best friend after all these years (and neither of us are spring chickens any more).  I’ve been online since 1995, and since then I’d gotten in the habit of looking for her online occasionally when memories of her or high school in general arose.  Also, people from high school would often message me on Facebook asking me whatever happened to her. They knew we were really good friends in school and I guess they assumed I’d kept in touch (yes, old friends, I had tried).  Every now and then when I would get an email from I would go to the website and see if she had registered there yet (nope), or I’d check the friends list of mutual friends or acquaintances from high school to see if she was there.  I would tell all those who asked about her that I felt like she had fallen off the face of the earth (they agreed).

This past week after all that diligence, I’d found her and sent her a friend request (knowing I’d be pretty hurt if she refused it). I threw my fear of rejection and vulnerability aside and sent it.  A few days later she accepted it (whew) and since then we’ve shared a couple private messages and have caught up a little.  We’ve both been through a lot and in a few ways our lives had paralelled.  Well the painful parts anyway.

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End of the Age Prophecy Updates for 5/6/18

End of the Age Updates 05-06-18

Hello everyone! How are you all?  Finally enjoying this sunny weather?  It was such an odd April in terms of weather here in north central Ohio that I’m a little hesitant to say Spring is finally really here! lol  There are some lovely buds on the tree outside my window, so I hope that’s a good sign 🙂

If you watch nothing else in this post, please watch this first video by pastor J.D.  It’s very eye opening! If you’ve ever watched the first Left Behind movie (or read the book), listen to what he says in this video. Especially around the 15 minute mark relating to France’s Macron putting together a 10 nation group.  Remember the scene where Buck is in the meeting with the Antichrist and the leaders of the ten nations? Yeah…that one.  Watch him —->


Pastor J.D. Farag:

(Pastor J.D.’s Video List Here)


Amir Tsarfati:

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Doodle Challenge for May 2018

May 2018 Doodle Challenge

As the old saying goes, April showers bring May flowers.  I thought it would be a great idea to doodle flowers for May!  There are some flowers I’m unacquainted with, so this is also a great way to get to know flowers a little bit better.

I know this may be challenging, so I’m giving you two great resources!

2.  Also check out the drawing tutorials by Liz who is @bonjournal_  on Instagram!
     Liz is one of my favorite bullet journalers and she has a LOT of images on Instagram showing you step by step how to
    draw a lot of different flowers!  I spent a long time late last night downloading a lot of her tutorial pictures.  (I use an app
    called “Fast Save” -it used to be called InstaSave but had to change their name). She draws so many gorgeous flowers in
    her bullet journal!

This challenge is participated in by the members of my Facebook group, Christian Planner, Journal, and Craft Fellowship and any of you who would like to join us! You can join us in the group or join along on Instagram. The doodle challenge just started last month, so we are growing into it, but there’s a lot of fun going on in the group with it 🙂

Why do we doodle? Doodling helps improve our drawing skills so we can improve our Bible art journaling pages!

Click the thumbnail image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing! –>

May Doodling Challenge thumbnail

Scripture Writing Plan for May 2018

May 2018 Scripture Writing Plan

For the past few months, our themes were renewal then growth.  For a healthy walk with God, it doesn’t end there.  We need to be steadfast in our faith and relationship with Christ.  So this month, our theme is steadfastness!

Use these passages to write out the scriptures and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! 🙂


Click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing –>

May 2018 scripture writing plan thumbnail


Mindful Monday Devotional -It’s About Your Attitude

Mindful Monday Devotions - It's about your attitude

This week’s Mindful Monday devotional is all about your attitude. Literally 🙂  This points at you and I both, so I’ll let you get right to it 🙂

(thanks to YouVersion for this devotional)


It’s About Attitude

Attitude determines so much of our lives. It governs the way we perceive the world and the way the world perceives us. It drives behavior and sets the tone for conversations. Attitude literally affects every area of our lives, yet most of us don’t have a good handle on it.

Attitude is defined as, “the way we think and feel about someone or something that affects our behavior.” Isn’t that so true? The way we feel about ourselves, others, failure, rejection, and success determines so many of our actions. It’s natural to base our actions on our feelings. But even though it “feels” right, having a feeling-based attitude can be destructive.

Feelings leave so much of our attitude up to chance. When circumstances leave us feeling bad, our negative attitude gives way to gossip and complaining. When situations and people leave us feeling good, our positive attitude allows us to find solutions and see opportunity.

God didn’t design our attitude to be based off of feelings but off of Christ. He is constant. His truth is unchanging and ever present. God has called us to a place of freedom, even in our attitude. This place doesn’t ignore our feelings, but doesn’t force us to be ruled by them either.

When we know and understand that God’s truth far outweighs earthly circumstances, we apply it to all areas of our life, including our attitude. His hope and truth becomes the anchor for our attitude instead of our feelings and circumstances.

As you go throughout your day begin to notice what situations affect your attitude. How does the outcome of each situation change your attitude? Can you imagine a life where you are still upset but have an attitude of joy and peace?

“Rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”
–Colossians 2:7 ESV

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”  –Colossians 3:17 ESV



End of the Age Prophecy Updates for 4/15/18

End of the Age Updates for 4-15-18

I want to apologize for missing this post last week. My son was sick with a bug and passed it on to my husband then myself. I took Easter off from blogging on purpose in recognition of Resurrection Day.

Wow has a LOT been happening lately! It’s over my pay grade, so let’s see what these teachers and pastors say about it all!


Pastor J.D. Farag:

(Pastor J.D.’s Video List Here)


Amir Tsarfati:

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Doodle Challenge for April 2018

April 2018 Doodle Challenge

The April doodle challenge was tricky 🙂 It’s a big season for planting flowers in some areas of the world, but not really here in Ohio 🙂 So I depended on a few web sites that give a list of what “day” it is (such as April 2nd being International Autism Awareness Day, April 27th being Arbor Day, etc.).

This challenge is participated in by the members of my Facebook group, Christian Planner, Journal, and Craft Fellowship and any of you who would like to join us! You can join us in the group or join along on Instagram. The doodle challenge just started last month, so we are growing into it, but there’s a lot of fun going on in the group with it 🙂

Click the thumbnail image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing! –>