Mindful Monday Devotional – Dead but Still Deadly

Mindful Monday Devotional - Dead but Still Deadly

I just finished reading day one of the devotional by Louie Giglio from his book, Goliath Must Fall.  This hit home with me because I really have been feeling like the enemy is attacking me hard of late.  The Bible tells us in Genesis 3:14-15:

“The Lord God said to the serpent,

“Because you have done this,
    cursed are you above all livestock
    and above all beasts of the field;
on your belly you shall go,
    and dust you shall eat
    all the days of your life.
 I will put enmity between you and the woman,
    and between your offspring and her offspring;
he shall bruise your head,
    and you shall bruise his heel.”

(there’s a good explanation about this passage here)


Satan thought he had Jesus defeated when he watched Him die on the cross, but 3 days later, Jesus demonstrated to the world that He is the one who crushed Satan when He rose from the dead defeating death and Satan once and for all.   Satan is crushed but he is still deadly.  Until that day he is thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10), he still is roaming the world like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour (1 Peter 5:8).

So what can we do?  Let’s read what Louie Giglio has to say in this week’s devotional:

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Doodle Challenge for March 2018

March 2018 Doodle Challenge

March’s doodle challenge was a challenge to try to decide on a theme 🙂  I wound up combining journaling tools with Saint Patrick’s day for the first half of the month, and since Easter is on April 1st, I went with Easter/Resurrection Day for the last half of the month focusing mostly on the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ!

This challenge is participated in by the members of my Facebook group, Christian Planner, Journal, and Craft Fellowship and any of you who would like to join us! You can join us in the group or join along on Instagram. The doodle challenge just started a few weeks ago, so we are growing into it, but there’s a lot of fun going on in the group with it 🙂

Click the thumbnail image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing! –>