Freebie Friday Food and Fitness Starter Pages!

Freebie Friday Printable Planner Stickers TV Shows 2018 2019

This is my first Freebie Friday since being active in my blogging again after losing my husband four months ago.  I really want to get my “new normal” established on a good footing, so I’m sharing part of the Food and Fitness Planner I recently designed and put up in my Etsy shop.  I’m sharing four pages from it to help you get a good start at a healthy lifestyle effort in 2020.

I have my son and I  eating much healthier trying to lose weight.  I’m down the lowest I’ve been in many years, but I still have plenty to lose and this is a brand new chapter.  I’m extra motivated right now because my 16-year old son (autistic/non-verbal) is at his highest weight which is about 80 pounds higher than he needs to be.  I want to be a good example and nip his weight issue in the bud this year while he’s still young.

I hope you will join me!

To download the 4-page PDF, click on the thumbnail below  —>

Healthy Lifestyle starter pages thumb

If you like the freebie, I have a 49-page Food and Fitness planner in my Etsy shop.  I have three versions available. Click on the thumbnail below to check out the listing!

Food and Fitness Planner Rose Version   Food and Fitness Planner Geometric Version Food and Fitness Planner Black and White


I recently posted a financial planner for 2020 too!

January through June

July through December

2020 Financial Planner Printable with a Freebie

2020 Financial Planner

Brand new in my Etsy shop is a 2020 Financial Planner I just put together!

(Check out my Food and Fitness planner here too!)

Actually I made it for myself and a few people in my Facebook group asked if I was selling it and I decided to polish it up a bit and add it to my Etsy shop.  I’ve been wanting to get more offerings in there anyway.  In addition, if you do decide to purchase it, just know that you are helping my son and I with bills and groceries as we await my husband’s social security income decision (for my new readers, he passed away in September…)  Things are really tight at the moment and you would be helping me to build my online business and provide for my son and I in my husband’s absense.

If you’d like a freebie page of it, click HERE

If you would like to purchase the whole thing, it’s in two parts (due to Etsy size restrictions) at the following links:

January through June, 2020

July through December, 2020

Here are thumbnail images of what’s inside.  I’m giving you a thumbnail view which has a watermark on it.  The original is created at 300 dpi for nice clear printing and does not have the watermark on it.  When you see the images created for January, every month has a matching page for it.


Check out my Etsy shop for this planner and other printable items

Thank you for your consideration!


I usually print these out on 28 pound white paper (or 32 pound paper is even better) and just stick them right into my planner or journal. The heavier the paper, the less chance it will tear out of your binder or planner by accident and helps resist bleeding or ghosting from your pens or markers. It helps the page turn easier too.

Worried about ink-heavy pages?  Do like I did and enlist in the HP Instant Ink program! I’ve saved so much money on ink since I did a year and a half ago. They have different plans, but the one I’m in (the most pages) is that I can print up to 300 pages worth of ink for just over $9.99 per month. You can choose lesser pages for a lower rate, but I do a lot of printing between coupons, planner stickers and other things. Click on the image here to check it out! –>

HP Instant Ink


Freebie Friday – TV Show Printable Planner Stickers 2018-2019 Part 2

Freebie Friday Printable Planner Stickers TV Shows 2018 2019

This week’s Freebie Friday is part 2 of my printable planner stickers for TV Shows for the Fall 2018-Winter 2019 season.  I sized them to fit the classic Happy Planner and the Erin Condren planner.




There are SO many TV shows now that it would take forever to vet them, so I have no idea of the content of many of these.  So I ask you to please use your own discretion in using them according to your own values and know if there is something very unGodly in them, I haven’t vetted them so don’t email me complaining if there is something not so worthy.  Having said that, shows I know for sure to be ones that someone following Jesus should not be promoting I did exclude (Lucifer, Supernatural, etc.), so this is in no way a total list. It’s a very thorough list though, I have to say! 🙂 I put a lot of work into it for sure! 🙂

I will also be updating this post with links to CUT FILES for the Silhouette (my personal favorite that I’m a proud owner of) and the Cricut cutting machines, so keep an eye out for that update!  These are PDF versions of the whole set (with an introductory page in each set). So my advice is to print the pages you want to use rather than the whole set.

Next week’s Freebie Friday will probably be a post of all the cut files from last week’s set and this week’s.

Here’s part 2 —>


Printable Planner Stickers for TV shows 2018 2019


(Additional Files in this alphabet span at the end)

These are thumbnails of what are included in this set one to I (click for larger preview):

Continue reading

Freebie Friday – TV Show Printable Planner Stickers 2018-2019

Freebie Friday Printable Planner Stickers TV Shows 2018 2019

This week’s Freebie Friday is a set of printable planner stickers.  They are for TV Shows for the Fall 2018 – Winter 2019 season. I sized them to fit the classic Happy Planner and the Erin Condren planner.

There are SO many TV shows now that it would take forever to vet them, so I have no idea of the content of many of these.  So I ask you to please use your own discretion in using them according to your own values and know if there is something very unGodly in them, I haven’t vetted them so don’t email me complaining if there is something not so worthy.  Having said that, shows I know for sure to be ones that someone following Jesus should not be promoting I did exclude (Lucifer, Supernatural, etc.), so this is in no way a total list. It’s a very thorough list though, I have to say! 🙂 I put a lot of work into it for sure! 🙂

My hope in creating these is that those of us who grew up in the TV generation and beyond can choose a handful of our favorite shows and plan for them, so that we aren’t just sitting in front of the screen mindlessly lost in the fog of information being thrown at us.  Choose your favorites and schedule watching them into your day, be it when it’s first aired or (like me) from your DVR.

I first made these last year and didn’t use them as much as I thought I would because I got in the habit of just watching whatever showed up on the DVR.  But now my hope is to do the advice I just gave you and choose a handful of shows and include them into my planner.  I can see ahead of time what shows will be on the next day that I want to watch and schedule the amount of time they will play into my day the next day so I watch just those and be a better steward of my time. That’s where these stickers and my planner come in 🙂

Right now for Freebie Friday I am sharing the TV Shows alphabetically and numerically, so this first installment is the number one through the letter I.  (I’m still working on the rest).  I will also be updating this post with links to CUT FILES for the Silhouette (my personal favorite that I’m a proud owner of) and the Cricut cutting machines, so keep an eye out for that update!  These are PDF versions of the whole set (19 pages of planner stickers with an introductory page). So my advice is to print the pages you want to use rather than the whole set.

Here we go!

Printable Planner Stickers for TV shows 2018 2019

I tried to put these all into one big PDF file, but it was too big a file to upload, so I had to break them down into smaller file sizes.



These are thumbnails of what are included in this set one to I (click for larger preview):

TV show stickers one through A tv shows planner stickers A tv planner stickers A 2



These are thumbnails of what are included in this set one to I (click for larger preview):


Continue reading

Scripture Writing Plan for December 2017

Scripture Writing Plan for December 2017

This month I posted a poll in my Facebook group, Christian Planner Journal and Craft Fellowship asking them to choose one of three options for this month’s scripture writing plan. The winner by a large margin was “Peace, Joy, and Praise”.  So I took that and worked in Christmas passages and the result is this month’s scripture writing plan 🙂  The first half of the month I focused on verses regarding peace, joy, and praise; and the last half of the month on verses about Christmas.  Christmas is a Christian’s most joyous time of the year (along with Easter) because that’s when we recognize and celebrate the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ! Now of course we know Jesus was not born on December 25th. However, that’s the day of the year (season for many of us) that we set aside to keep the Coming of the Messiah of the world in our thoughts and praises, thanking Him for coming to earth to save us all from our sins and the resulting consequence of those sins:  eternal separation from the Father, God.  What more object of adoration and praise can there ever be?? 🙂

I’m a big kid at Christmas. Always have been, and I try every year to focus more on the true Reason for the season and less on all the commercial stuff.

My Facebook group, Christian Planner Journal and Craft Fellowship and I enjoy doing these monthly plans together and discussing it each month.  I hope you enjoy these monthly scripture writing plans and use them to grow closer to our Lord as a result! I’d love to hear from those who are using it in the comments below!

Click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing –>


Freebie Friday – FUNctional Christmas Stickers!

Christmas Functional Printable Planner Stickers

I know many people are getting a head start on Christmas planning even now before Thanksgiving.  I refuse to decorate till the day after Thanksgiving BUT due to the economy I did start Christmas shopping in September and now I am getting my planners ready.  That’s what led me to create this week’s Freebie Friday.  A page of functional printable stickers for the Classic Happy Planner and also the BIG Happy Planner that helps us stay on track of the activities for the holidays.

Please let me know in the comments below if you use these! I’d love to hear and/or see 🙂


These are sized for the brand new Happy Planner classic and also the Big Happy Planner

Print these out on full-size (letter) sticker paper.  I use these here.  They’re priced great and you can write on them easily. They are good enough quality for my needs.  If you want a top-quality sticker paper look for these or clear ones here. (Though not all pens or markers will write well on the clear ones). If you don’t want to use sticker paper, you can print them on card stock or regular printer paper and glue them down.  Honestly, the sticker paper is the best way, however. Regardless of the type.

If you’d like this printable, click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing.  If you use this kit, I would LOVE to see how you use it! Please comment below so I can see ?

Please remember this is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!

Going through a lot of ink printing out planner stickers?  Do like I did and enlist in the HP Instant Ink program! I’ve saved so much money on ink since I did a year and a half ago.  They have different plans, but the one I’m in (the most pages) is that I can print up to 300 pages worth of ink for just over $9.99 per month. You can choose lesser pages for a lower rate, but I do a lot of printing between coupons, planner stickers and other things.  Click on the image here to check it out! –>

HP Instant Ink

Click on the image below to pull up the full sized pdf file of the FREEBIE for viewing and printing —>


Christmas Functional Printable Planner stickers for the Classic-sized Happy Planner

Get Silhouette Cut File Here


Big Happy Planner-Sized:

Christmas Functional Printable planner stickers for big happy planner

Get Silhouette Cut File Here


Freebie Friday -Christmas Nativity Planner Printables

Freebie Friday free printable planner stickers -Christmas Nativity

I’ve shared three Thanksgiving freebie planner printables already, so its time for Christmas! Yay!  I won’t decorate my house for Christmas till Thanksgiving Day evening (because I love Christmas so much I don’t want to get tired of it before the season really starts) but I will make planner items for Christmas.  Plans are often made well ahead of time, and especially Christmas plans, right? 🙂

This week I am focusing on the true reason for Christmas -Christ!  And you Christian Michigan State Fans (like my niece, Crissy) should like these too 🙂 (I’m an Ohio State alumni though…GO BUCKEYES! woot woot! bwahahaha)

Free Nativity Printable Planner Stickers

These are sized for the brand new Happy Planner classic, so if you use the new Happy Planners, you’re all set to go.

Print these out on full-size sticker paper.  I use these here.  They’re priced great and you can write on them easily. They are good enough quality for my needs.  If you want a top-quality sticker paper look for these or clear ones here. (Though not all pens or markers will write well on the clear ones). If you don’t want to use sticker paper, you can print them on card stock or regular printer paper and glue them down.  Honestly, the sticker paper is the best way, however. Regardless of the type.

If you’d like this printable, click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing.  If you use this kit, I would LOVE to see how you use it! Please comment below so I can see ?

Please remember this is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!

Going through a lot of ink printing out planner stickers?  Do like I did and enlist in the HP Instant Ink program! I’ve saved so much money on ink since I did a year and a half ago.  They have different plans, but the one I’m in (the most pages) is that I can print up to 300 pages worth of ink for just over $9.99 per month. You can choose lesser pages for a lower rate, but I do a lot of printing between coupons, planner stickers and other things.  Click on the image here to check it out! –>

HP Instant Ink

Click on the image below to pull up the full sized pdf file of the FREEBIE for viewing and printing —>

Page 1 of 2

Nativity Christmas Planner Stickers page 1

Click HERE for the Silhouette Cut File


Calvary Crafters Etsy Shop

Page 2 of 2

Nativity Christmas Planner Stickers 2

Click HERE for the Silhouette Cut File


I’d LOVE to see how you use this set in your own planner! Please leave me a comment below if you use this 🙂

Freebie Friday -Country Thanksgiving Planner Printables

Freebie Friday Country Thanksgiving Planner Printables

Whew! With this post I will be totally caught up after the migration crisis of the last three weeks or so with both my blogs. All seems to be working fine, finally (knock on wood) 🙂

This week we have another set of Thanksgiving planner printables. Next week I hope to start offering Christmas sets.

These are sized for the brand new Happy Planner classic, so if you use the new Happy Planners, you’re all set to go.

Print these out on full-size sticker paper.  I use these here.  They’re priced great and you can write on them easily. They are good enough quality for my needs.  If you want a top-quality sticker paper look for these or clear ones here. (Though not all pens or markers will write well on the clear ones). If you don’t want to use sticker paper, you can print them on card stock or regular printer paper and glue them down.  Honestly, the sticker paper is the best way, however. Regardless of the type.

If you’d like this printable, click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing.  If you use this kit, I would LOVE to see how you use it! Please comment below so I can see ?

Please remember this is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!

Going through a lot of ink printing out planner stickers?  Do like I did and enlist in the HP Instant Ink program! I’ve saved so much money on ink since I did a year and a half ago.  They have different plans, but the one I’m in (the most pages) is that I can print up to 300 pages worth of ink for just over $9.99 per month. You can choose lesser pages for a lower rate, but I do a lot of printing between coupons, planner stickers and other things.  Click on the image here to check it out! –>

HP Instant Ink

Click on the image below to pull up the full sized pdf file of the FREEBIE for viewing and printing —>

Page 1 of 2Freebie Friday Country Thanksgiving Planner Printables

Click HERE for the Silhouette Cut File

A portion of the graphics are from clipart-library dot com

Calvary Crafters Etsy Shop

Page 2 of 2Country thanksgiving planner printables 2Click HERE for Silhouette Cut File

I’d LOVE to see how you use this set in your own planner! Please leave me a comment below if you use this 🙂

Freebie Friday Thanksgiving Planner Printables

Freebie Friday 10-27-17

Hi everyone!  Forgive my blog for being down the past few weeks. When I posted my last Freebie Friday so many people visited to snag it, that it crashed the site! lol  A good problem for a blogger to have, but getting the correction taken care of was longer than expected.  I upgraded my blog host to a business account so I’ll have a server all to myself instead of sharing it with other blogs.  So, we should be good to go now!  (My CalvaryCouponers site is still down – still waiting for my blog host to get the problem fixed).

So, to make up for missing a week of Freebie Friday, I’m sharing a two-page set!  I hope you take advantage of them and let me see your creations you come up with using them!


These are sized for the brand new Happy Planner classic, so if you use the new Happy Planners, you’re all set to go.

Print these out on full-size sticker paper.  I use these here.  They’re priced great and you can write on them easily. They are good enough quality for my needs.  If you want a top-quality sticker paper look for these or clear ones here. (Though not all pens or markers will write well on the clear ones). If you don’t want to use sticker paper, you can print them on card stock or regular printer paper and glue them down.  Honestly, the sticker paper is the best way, however. Regardless of the type.

If you’d like this printable, click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing.  If you use this kit, I would LOVE to see how you use it! Please comment below so I can see ?

Please remember this is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!

Going through a lot of ink printing out planner stickers?  Do like I did and enlist in the HP Instant Ink program! I’ve saved so much money on ink since I did a year and a half ago.  They have different plans, but the one I’m in (the most pages) is that I can print up to 300 pages worth of ink for just over $9.99 per month. You can choose lesser pages for a lower rate, but I do a lot of printing between coupons, planner stickers and other things.  Click on the image here to check it out! –>

HP Instant Ink

Click on the image below to pull up the full sized pdf file of the FREEBIE for viewing and printing —>

Peanuts Thanksgiving Planner Stickers FREEBIE FRIDAY




The Peanuts portion of the graphics are from clipart-library dot com

Calvary Crafters Etsy Shop


Freebie Friday – Printable Planner Stickers Thanksgiving 2017 1

Freebie Friday Printable Planner Stickers Thanksgiving 2017 1

(Note: If you get an error message, keep trying. I’m contacting my web host first thing tomorrow! 🙂 It will come back up, but if a lot of people try to access it at once, it may temporarily crash. I’m going to update the bandwidth tomorrow, hopefully.)

Since I’ve recently done two Harvest/October style sticker sets, I thought I’d get started on Thanksgiving with this freebie.  (I may update this post with links if I add to this set in my Etsy shop here.)

Sorry this example image is poorly lit.   The day got away from me and I didn’t get the picture taken when the natural daylight was still prominent today.  I’ll try to improve that next week 🙂

This is sized for the brand new Happy Planner classic, so you’re all set to go.  I realized after buying a new Happy Planner for 2018 that I was still making stickers with a length of 2.25 inches and they are now 2.50 inches, so from here out, they will be the new size.

Print these out on full-size sticker paper.  I use these here.  They’re priced great and you can write on them easily. They are good enough quality for my needs.  If you want a top-quality sticker paper look for these or clear ones here. (Though not all pens or markers will write well on the clear ones). If you don’t want to use sticker paper, you can print them on card stock or regular printer paper and glue them down.  Honestly, the sticker paper is the best way, however. Regardless of the type.

If you’d like this printable, click on the image below to pull up the full-sized PDF file for printing.  If you use this kit, I would LOVE to see how you use it! Please comment below so I can see ?

Please remember this is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!

Going through a lot of ink printing out planner stickers?  Do like I did and enlist in the HP Instant Ink program! I’ve saved so much money on ink since I did a year and a half ago.  They have different plans, but the one I’m in (the most pages) is that I can print up to 300 pages worth of ink for just over $9.99 per month. You can choose lesser pages for a lower rate, but I do a lot of printing between coupons, planner stickers and other things.  Click on the image here to check it out! –>

HP Instant Ink

Click on the thumbnail to pull up the full sized pdf file of the FREEBIE for viewing and printing —>

Freebie Friday Thanksiving Stickers Example  Thanksgiving planner stickers

Get the Silhouette cuttable file HERE

A few graphics for today’s freebie can be found here:


