Mindful Monday Devotional – A Lesson in Diligence!

The topic of this week’s Mindful Monday devotional came easy to me as I was pondering having finally reconnected with my junior and senior high school best friend after all these years (and neither of us are spring chickens any more).  I’ve been online since 1995, and since then I’d gotten in the habit of looking for her online occasionally when memories of her or high school in general arose.  Also, people from high school would often message me on Facebook asking me whatever happened to her. They knew we were really good friends in school and I guess they assumed I’d kept in touch (yes, old friends, I had tried).  Every now and then when I would get an email from Classmates.com I would go to the website and see if she had registered there yet (nope), or I’d check the friends list of mutual friends or acquaintances from high school to see if she was there.  I would tell all those who asked about her that I felt like she had fallen off the face of the earth (they agreed).

This past week after all that diligence, I’d found her and sent her a friend request (knowing I’d be pretty hurt if she refused it). I threw my fear of rejection and vulnerability aside and sent it.  A few days later she accepted it (whew) and since then we’ve shared a couple private messages and have caught up a little.  We’ve both been through a lot and in a few ways our lives had paralelled.  Well the painful parts anyway.

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